Politics interest me, I would classify myself as a
Conservative I belief that we should restore the country to what it once was by
allowing the people of this great Nation to succeed and by encouraging people
to do so. I am not against governmental aid all together, but I am against people
feeling it is more beneficial to live off of handouts than work. The idea that
we are Americans and are entitled to things can get really annoying. This year is
the year of the Presidential Election and we have to choose a candidate who
will attempt to defeat one of the most articulate speakers I have ever seen.
Although the President is very articulate he has not been a very effective
leader in my opinion. This is all blamed on opposition within Congress. I think
that most Americans believe this, however I don’t. I see the big fight over
opposition as what it is a public relations scam. The current president has not
been the only president that had to fight an oppositional Congress. This is
taken care of by meeting in the middle. Which side is being more stubborn in my
mind comes down to which side has more to gain by telling the media “they just
won’t work with us.” I sometimes think
that American Politics have become a joke I mean how many times do I need to
hear that Republicans are pro-life and Democrats are pro-choice on the issue of
abortion? Why does this make one candidate or the other more effective as a President?
Why does the county coroner’s political affiliation matter when he is checking
someone for a pulse? Personally I try to vote in every election I can.
Sometimes I get annoyed that so many people won’t vote, but can I really blame
them? I do, but not because they are un-American or even un-Patriotic. Many of
these people are just sick and tired of attempting to care about the things a
select few think they should care about.
Amen! I get what you are saying with about sick of politics. We have to remember that on Election Day we are as powerful as the president himself. One get one vote each and we need to make ours count. I think the reason politics can feel overwhelming is just because of the media. There are a lot of good people in this country and we need to forget about the propaganda they are spoon feeding us.