Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Looking Back


There was once a chance I didn’t take that sometimes I wonder if I should have. I try not to look back and wonder what if, but it is inevitable. What if I had paid attention to the road would I have still have wrecked my vehicle? “What if I would have…?” It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone thinks these things. I would almost argue that it is human nature to look back and wonder if you would have done things differently. Would you be better off?

I have heard about friends that ended up doing great things and friends doing nothing and I can imagine that if I had been closer to one group or the other would I end up the same. Very few of the friends who I associated with during my first few years of adulthood went to college. We all have the same type of job. We get paid well for not requiring an education and there really isn’t very much of a chance to make a whole lot more than we do now. I wonder if we are all friends because we ended up close to the same place in life or did we limit ourselves by our associations?

I am sure if I would have gone to college right after high school my situation today would be different but would it be for the better? I like to think “No”, there isn’t much I would change in my life right now. The situations that I put myself in developed the character I have now and if I went back and changed one thing it may end up making a different element in my life worse. Or then again maybe this is just what we learned from time travel movies. They always seem to warn that changing the past can change the future with negative consequences.

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